How To Integrate RDMP with JIRA

How To Integrate RDMP with JIRA

RDMP can integrate with Jira to associate projects & releases with Jira tickets.

This can be used to prevent releasing project extractions without the correct checks and balances being done in Jira first.

This guide assumes you have an account on an publicly available Jira instance e.g. example.atlassian.net


  1. Get some Credentials

    1. You’ll need your Jira account username, this is typically your email address

    2. You’ll need an API access token - This is used to programmatically interact with your Jira Instance

      1. Navigate to https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens

      2. Create an API Token with a memorable name

        1. This will generate a new API token for you - YOU WILL ONLY SEE THE TOKEN THIS ONE TIME

          1. Copy the token and store it somewhere safe

  2. Add your credentials to RDMP

    1. Within RDMP navigate to “Tables(Advanced)”

    2. Open the “Data Access Credentials” Section

    3. If the “Decryption Certificate” is red and warning you that no certificate is set, then you will need to set one

    4. Right Click on the “Data Access Credentials” folder and add a new set of credentials

      1. Add your Jira username

      2. Add the API token in the password field

      3. Name it something sensible and save the credentials

  3. Setup the Ticketing system

    1. In the top bar, open up the “Locations” menu and click the “Set Ticketing system…” button

    2. Give your ticketing system a Sensible name

    3. Set the Url to be that of your Jira instance e.g “https://example.atlassian.net”

    4. Set the Type to be “JiraPlugin.JIRATicketingSystem”

      1. If this isn’t an option, check that you have the HICPlugin installed

        1. If in doubt, contact James (either one)

    5. In the credentials section, pick the credentials we’ve just created

    6. Set the list of Releasable statuses

      1. This is a comma separated list of statuses that an associated Jira ticket can be in that would allow for an extraction to be released

        1. e.g. “Released,ReadyToRelease”

    7. Save the configuration and run the checks

      1. All going well, it should tell you how many project it can see, it should be >0 typically

    8. You’re now ready to start using the ticketing system


Using the Ticketing system

Now that we have a valid ticketing configuration, we can start putting it to work

  1. Navigate to the edit screen of a project

  2. It should have an option to specify a “Master Ticket”

    1. This is the ticket number i.e. “MYTICKER-123“

    2. Use the show button to check if the ticket is valid

  3. Set the ticket number that corresponds to the ticket in your Jira instance

  4. When creating or editing an extraction in this project

    1. You can set the “Request ticket” and “Release Ticket”

    2. This allows RMDP to check that the release ticket is in one of the specified statuses before running the release engine on the extraction


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