RDMP-1 Jira Integration
Historically, there has been an integration between RDMP and HIC’s Jira instance. At some point in time, this stopped working.
From looking at the existing source code and from discussions with DLS, the integration allowed for RDMP to associate projects and cohorts with JIRA tickets. This relationship has historically prevented releases from RDMP occurring prior to the associated Jira ticket being in a specific status.
There is an existing need for this functionality to be reintroduced.
Proposed Solution
Re-add the ability to connect to a publicly accessible Jira instance (no firewalls) from RDMP
This access is granted via a username/password prompt or via a configurable Jira access token in the user settings
Add the ability to associate a project and a JIRA ticket
Add the ability to associate a cohort configuration and a Jira ticket
UI to Configure the status that a JIRA ticket must be in to enable the ability to run a release
This is at an instance level
Project ticket status may differ from cohort ticket status
Disable the release of an extraction from within RDMP while either the project or cohort Jira ticket is not in the correct state