1- Extract and Link Catalogues

1- Extract and Link Catalogues

[ 1 Pre-requisite ] [ 2 Steps ]


The extraction and Linkage require Catalogue to have been created previously and Cohort to have been commited already:

For Creation of a catalogue: Create a Catalogue from file or Create a Catalogue from table

For Commiting a cohort: Commit a Cohort to Project


Step 1- From the Menu bar select 'Data Export' this will produce the available projects in the left hand pane.

Step 2 – Select the required project and expand the 'tree' by clicking on the + button beside it. You will note I have also expanded the cohort menu to display the available cohorts.

Step 3 -Right click on 'Extraction Configurations' and select 'Create New….'

By Creating a new extraction a new tab will appear which enables you to change pipelines for extraction. By default this should be set to 'DATA EXPORT:To CSV' This tab can be closed.

Step 4 – By Selecting the new extraction then F2 you can change the name of the extraction

Step 5 – Right click on your new extraction and review the options.
To add a cohort- this can be added from this drop-down menu or dragged into the extraction (from the expanded tree in Step 2).

Step 6 – To add the Catalogues to the extraction, select the option from the drop-down menu.

Place a check mark against the Catalogues you require for your extraction then the 'Select' button at the bottom

Your extraction should then look like this:

Step 7 – To begin the process of extraction right click and select 'Extract' from the menu.

You will note that the Extraction pipeline is prepopulated.
Select the 'Checks' box from the right hand pane. This will check the catalogues for extractability and flag any errors.

Step 8To begin the extraction click on the execute button . Once the extraction is complete a green tick will appear next to the catalogue and the green status bar on the right hand pane below the 'load execution' will be green.


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