4.0.1 (2019-12-03)
4.0.1 - 2019-12-03
Ability to generate metadata reports for subset of catalogues (e.g. all catalogues in a folder).
Cohort Builder build log now lists the IsExtractionIdentifier column for each cohort set
Cohort Builder now shows "No Cache" when there is no query cache server configured for a configuration instead of "0/1" (or "0/2" etc)
Fixed issue using the 'context menu' button on compatible keyboards to access the GoTo menu (sometimes menu would not be expandable)
Fixed issue where ProjectNumber and Version appeared editable in some tree controls (changes were ignored). These cells are now correctly readonly.
Fixed bug in log viewer right click (introduced in 4.0.1 command refactoring)
TestConnection now shows obfuscated connection string when a connection cannot be established (affects RDMP API users only - not core software)
Fixed changing join direciton in patient index tables not triggering refresh
Fixed Data Load Engine RAW server credentials when running RDMP installer with sql user authentication (RAW server entry would be created with Integrated Security)
4.0.1-rc3 - 2019-11-25
Console gui supports short code searches (e.g. "c", "ti" etc)
Updated to FAnsiSql 0.10.13
Fixed various issues with new CLI gui
4.0.1-rc2 - 2019-11-20
Added interactive terminal user interface
./rdmp gui
Cloning an Extraction Configuration no longer expands clone and names the new copy "Clone of [..]" (previously name was a guid)
Select object dialog now display a maximum of 1000 objects (prioritising your search text)
Logging tasks are now case insensitive
Fixed Console input in CLI when running under Linux
Fixed issue where parallel checks could fail due to UI cross thread access
Fixed bugs in DLE when loading tables with dodgy column names (e.g.
[My Group by lolz]
4.0.1-rc1 - 2019-11-11
Support for PostgreSql databases
Sql Server
syntax is no longer used (now uses.dbo.
- or whatever the table schema is). Since references can be shared by users the default schema notation is not good idea.Cohort Query Bulder will now connect to the database containing the data rather than the users default database when querying data on a single database
Flat file Attachers now process files in alphabetical order (case insensitive) when Pattern matches multiple files (previously order was arbitrary / OS defined)
Extraction source now specifies database to connect to when a dataset exists in a single database (previously connected to users default server e.g. master)
Updated to latest version of FAnsiSql (0.10.12) for Postgres support
Fixed handling of credentials where password is blank (allowed)
Fixed race condition when there are multiple cohort databases that host cohorts for the same project
Extracting a dataset using Cross Server extraction source now shows the correct SQL in error message when no records are returned by the linkage