4.0.1 (2019-12-03)

4.0.1 (2019-12-03)

4.0.1 - 2019-12-03


  • Ability to generate metadata reports for subset of catalogues (e.g. all catalogues in a folder).

  • Cohort Builder build log now lists the IsExtractionIdentifier column for each cohort set


  • Cohort Builder now shows "No Cache" when there is no query cache server configured for a configuration instead of "0/1" (or "0/2" etc)


  • Fixed issue using the 'context menu' button on compatible keyboards to access the GoTo menu (sometimes menu would not be expandable)

  • Fixed issue where ProjectNumber and Version appeared editable in some tree controls (changes were ignored). These cells are now correctly readonly.

  • Fixed bug in log viewer right click (introduced in 4.0.1 command refactoring)

  • TestConnection now shows obfuscated connection string when a connection cannot be established (affects RDMP API users only - not core software)

  • Fixed changing join direciton in patient index tables not triggering refresh

  • Fixed Data Load Engine RAW server credentials when running RDMP installer with sql user authentication (RAW server entry would be created with Integrated Security)

4.0.1-rc3 - 2019-11-25


  • Console gui supports short code searches (e.g. "c", "ti" etc)



  • Fixed various issues with new CLI gui

4.0.1-rc2 - 2019-11-20


  • Added interactive terminal user interface ./rdmp gui


  • Cloning an Extraction Configuration no longer expands clone and names the new copy "Clone of [..]" (previously name was a guid)

  • Select object dialog now display a maximum of 1000 objects (prioritising your search text)

  • Logging tasks are now case insensitive


  • Fixed Console input in CLI when running under Linux

  • Fixed issue where parallel checks could fail due to UI cross thread access

  • Fixed bugs in DLE when loading tables with dodgy column names (e.g. [My Group by lolz])


4.0.1-rc1 - 2019-11-11


  • Support for PostgreSql databases


  • Sql Server .. syntax is no longer used (now uses .dbo. - or whatever the table schema is). Since references can be shared by users the default schema notation is not good idea.

  • Cohort Query Bulder will now connect to the database containing the data rather than the users default database when querying data on a single database

  • Flat file Attachers now process files in alphabetical order (case insensitive) when Pattern matches multiple files (previously order was arbitrary / OS defined)

  • Extraction source now specifies database to connect to when a dataset exists in a single database (previously connected to users default server e.g. master)

  • Updated to latest version of FAnsiSql (0.10.12) for Postgres support


  • Fixed handling of credentials where password is blank (allowed)

  • Fixed race condition when there are multiple cohort databases that host cohorts for the same project

  • Extracting a dataset using Cross Server extraction source now shows the correct SQL in error message when no records are returned by the linkage