4.0.3 (2020-02-28)
4.0.3 - 2020-02-28
Added timestamps to Word Metadata Reports (e.g. when document was created)
Added icon for HashOnDataRelease
Added Order column to Catalogue Collection tree view
Added ability to disable the TicketingSystem that controls whether datasets can be released (only applies where one has been configured)
Added ability to customize extraction directory subfolder names
Added check for stale extraction records when generating a one off Release Document (i.e. not part of a Release workflow)
Added clarifiaction on what to do if a table is not found during synchronization
Refresh now shows 'waiting' cursor while updates take effect
Creating a Catalogue from a CatalogueFolder right click context menu now creates the resulting Catalogue in that directory
Added ability to right click a dataset in an ExtractionConfiguration and open the directory into which it was extracted (if it was extracted to disk)
Added Extraction Category column for columns included in the project extractions
Added command Import Catalogue Item Descriptions accessible from the CatalogueItem node menu that imports all descriptions (and other fields) from one Catalogue into another.
Added 'Execute' button on Catalogue and Extraction dataset SQL viewing windows.
'Show' on collection based tab windows now prompts you to pick which you want to navigate to (previously did nothing)
Datagrid UI now shows server/database names and DatabaseType
Running Checks or CheckAll now shows the Checks column (if it isn't already visible)
Added 'Clear Cache' option for clearing the cache on a single Catalogue in a cohort builder configuration (without affecting the cache state of the others)
to the end of the DLE migration query for MySql server (prevents edge case deadlocks when live table changes during migration)
Datagrid/query syntax errors are now more visible and consistent with other SQL IDEs
Open / New Catalogue no longer closes all toolboxes prior to setting up editing layout
Bulk Process CatalogueItems now defaults to exact matching (ignoring case)
Changed MySql adapter from
(see FAnsiSql version 0.11.1 change notes)
Fixed bug where broken Lookup configurations could result in DQE not passing checks
Fixed top menu missing some options on extraction/cohort building graphs (e.g. timeout / retry query)
Fixed DLE backup trigger creation for old versions of MySql (5.5 and earlier)
Fixed some forms not getting launched when new objects are created (e.g. Supporting Documents)
Fixed null reference when cancelling adding a SupportingDocument
Fixed bug in axis section of graph editor where changing value would result in text box loosing focus
Fixed ticketing system Reason [for not being able to release a configuration] not being displayed on the ReleaseUI