4.0.3 (2020-02-28)

4.0.3 (2020-02-28)

4.0.3 - 2020-02-28


  • Added timestamps to Word Metadata Reports (e.g. when document was created)

  • Added icon for HashOnDataRelease

  • Added Order column to Catalogue Collection tree view

  • Added ability to disable the TicketingSystem that controls whether datasets can be released (only applies where one has been configured)

  • Added ability to customize extraction directory subfolder names

  • Added check for stale extraction records when generating a one off Release Document (i.e. not part of a Release workflow)

  • Added clarifiaction on what to do if a table is not found during synchronization

  • Refresh now shows 'waiting' cursor while updates take effect

  • Creating a Catalogue from a CatalogueFolder right click context menu now creates the resulting Catalogue in that directory

  • Added ability to right click a dataset in an ExtractionConfiguration and open the directory into which it was extracted (if it was extracted to disk)

  • Added Extraction Category column for columns included in the project extractions

  • Added command Import Catalogue Item Descriptions accessible from the CatalogueItem node menu that imports all descriptions (and other fields) from one Catalogue into another.

  • Added 'Execute' button on Catalogue and Extraction dataset SQL viewing windows.

  • 'Show' on collection based tab windows now prompts you to pick which you want to navigate to (previously did nothing)

  • Datagrid UI now shows server/database names and DatabaseType

  • Running Checks or CheckAll now shows the Checks column (if it isn't already visible)

  • Added 'Clear Cache' option for clearing the cache on a single Catalogue in a cohort builder configuration (without affecting the cache state of the others)

  • Added FOR UPDATE to the end of the DLE migration query for MySql server (prevents edge case deadlocks when live table changes during migration)


  • Datagrid/query syntax errors are now more visible and consistent with other SQL IDEs

  • Open / New Catalogue no longer closes all toolboxes prior to setting up editing layout

  • Bulk Process CatalogueItems now defaults to exact matching (ignoring case)

  • Changed MySql adapter from MySql.Data to MySqlConnector (see FAnsiSql version 0.11.1 change notes)


  • Fixed bug where broken Lookup configurations could result in DQE not passing checks

  • Fixed top menu missing some options on extraction/cohort building graphs (e.g. timeout / retry query)

  • Fixed DLE backup trigger creation for old versions of MySql (5.5 and earlier)

  • Fixed some forms not getting launched when new objects are created (e.g. Supporting Documents)

  • Fixed null reference when cancelling adding a SupportingDocument

  • Fixed bug in axis section of graph editor where changing value would result in text box loosing focus

  • Fixed ticketing system Reason [for not being able to release a configuration] not being displayed on the ReleaseUI