Spotlight on success: Publications


To promote open-science and sharing of knowledge, HIC have undertaken considerable effort to update our Discovery content. We would encourage all TRE users to cite HIC datasets which have Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Additionally, we would really appreciate an acknowledgement of HIC services in any publications.

How-to DOIs

HIC datasets are publised in the Discovery page. If you have used a data extract based on any of these datasets, you can cite this in the Methods section of your publication. This helps with transparency of how adminstrative data is used, i.e. what is the public and patient benefit. We will continue to work to curate our doi’d datasets, but currently have 30+ you can cite.

For example, if my project included the Prescribing data from primary care prescriptions, when introducing this data set source and describing this, I would cite the doi 10.15132/10000210.

Suggested text

When submitting a manuscript for publication, we ask that you acknowledge the HIC team that has supported the project. Example text, “The authors would like to acknowledge the Health Informatics Centre at the University of Dundee for their support in linking, managing and providing access to the project data extract within the secure analytical platform, HIC Trusted Research Environment (TRE).”

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