Commit a Cohort to Project
Having built a configuration to required specifications it is then time to commit this as a cohort to a project.
Step 1- Select the configuration, double clicking to open it. Then select 'commit cohort'
Step 2 – Complete the following information: there are two options:
Option 1: If the cohort is for an existing project, select the 'Existing' button' then choose the project
This will populate the project information.
Option 2: If this cohort is for a 'new' project, select this option and the following pop up box appears
Enter the Project Name, the file path for any project extractions and a project number if one exists. Then select 'OK'
Both options then require the following
Mark the check box if this is a 'New Cohort' then enter the name alternatively if this is a revision of an existing cohort, select this option, again providing the name and also provide a description of the cohort. Once all the fields are complete select the 'OK' button at the bottom of the window.