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Table of Contents


Use Case

You have a database containing table(s) that you want to use with RDMP (in either MySql, Sql Server, Oracle or Postgres).



Step 1


- Open the Catalogues collection

  1. Click on


  1. Catalogues


  1. in RDMP top menu



Step 2: Right click on the folder where the catalogue needs to be created and select “Create new catalogue from file…”





Step 3: 2. From the collection menu bar select New…->From Database…


Step 2 - Data Source parameters

  1. Fill in the database details


UserID / Password (optional): When connecting the database to test if a catalogue can be created in it, the system will use these credentials. If not informed, RDMP will use windows credential by default.


Database: List of all database on the server.



Table / Valued function: It is possible to either choose a table of the database or existing function which provides a dataset.


Refresh button will check in the table and database are RDMP supports querying both tables, views and table valued functions (Sql Server only). Tables and views accessible by the user appear in the Table dropdown while table valued functions are listed seperately.

Refresh button will refresh the list of databases/tables available for Catalogue creation


Step 6: .

2. Click on Import




Step 3 - Configure Catalogue items extractability


Once  Once the catalogue has been imported with success, a new window pops up to configure the level of confidentiality for each item of the new catalogue. 


1-   Catalogue Name (mandatory): By default, it’s the name of the file and Table create in the database to store data related to the catalogue. It can be changed without impacting the table name


4-   Description: Used for the metadata catalogue description

5-   Project link:   If   


If a project has been created previously and the catalogue is specific to this project only, click pick and select the project.

6-   Configure the level of extractability of items:.


Each catalogue item needs to be setup with a specific extractability level respecting the following baseline:

·        Core: Doesn’t require approval to extract, always in the list of items extracted by default.


·        Supplemental: not a routinely extracted column, but does not need special approval either

·        SpecialistApprovalRequired: Can be extractable but requires specific governance approval


·        Internal: Internal use only (aggregation etc…)


·        Deprecated: Obsolete


Please note, only CatalogueItems setup as Core will be extracted without requiring additional action.


There  There are 2 ways of configuring the extractability level:

  • Individual configuration: each item is also configurable one by one in the main window.


  • Mass configuration: under Set All, at the bottom right of the window, select the extractability level you want all items to be at.





When there is a lot of items with the same extractability level, it could be useful to first set them all with the same type of extraction using the mass configuration and then change the one which have specific levels of extractability using individual option.


7-   Patient Identifier Column: this field establish the patient identifier for the catalogue. This is mandatory and will be anonymised automatically when the catalogue is extracted.

8-   Filter: When the catalogue contains a lot of Catalogue Items, the Filter as the bottom of the window allows a quick search in the items.

9-   Final Step 


Once  Once all parameters for Catalogue extractability is in place, either

  • press Ok, job done

  • or Add to existing Catalogue to JOIN with another table and create only one Catalogue (the linkage will be created automatically based on the Patient Identifier)


The number of columns added to the existing catalogue will depend on the extractability configuration just setup. Only Core items will be added.


  • or Cancel (Do not create a Catalogue)

At this stage the table with data has already be imported to the database suggested at the first screen. The system then asks if the table needs to be kept or not. If kept, the catalogue won’t be created but it can be re-created later using the option Create Catalogue from table.
