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If you have access to Stata within your TRE environment, you can also use this to connect to your project’s SQL server. Below is an example snippet of code to help you get started opening an SQL connection and running a query. Remember to set the database name and server with the values provided when your SQL database was set up.

Please note the first two commands are operating system specific. Older Ubuntu workspaces may not work, please contact asking us to patch your Stata installation.

Code Block
* (Windows) Setup the string which defines our connection 
local connString "Driver={SQL Server};Database=ProjectXXXX;;UID=project-XXXX"

* (Ubuntu Linux) Setup the string which defines our connection
local connString "Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};Database=ProjectXXXX;;UID=project-XXXX;TrustServerCertificate=Yes"

* Verify that we are able to connect by listing the tables
odbc query, conn("`connString'")

* Perform a simple query - this could be SELECT, UDPATE, INSERT, DELETE, etc.
odbc exec("SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Table"), conn("`connString'")

* Load an entire table into memory / Stata variables
odbc load, exec("SELECT * FROM Table") conn("`connString'")
